Monday, September 5, 2011

My favorite shoes

My favorite brand of shoes is Converse. I like this brand because I feel that it goes with every outfit that I wear. This is my opinion but I think that Vans are wore out. In case you haven't seen them, my shoes have a black rim around the border of the shoe. They are all black with a 3-D pop out stamp on the side. The original maker of the shoe is Chuck Taylor and I think he is pure genius. I was proud of myself because I recently bought a pair of Converse with my own money and I don't go a day with out cleaning and wearing my shoes. I wish I could have all the Converse in the world in every color.


  1. Do you really clean your shoes daily? That seems like a lot of work.

  2. I do the same thing with mine but as soon as they get really dirty I let them get dirty for a while.
