Monday, August 29, 2011

syllabus paragraph

I agree on the fact that you have a doghouse in class. I think that it gives people a chance to get on track. I also agree on the grading rubric because 100% is an A, in most classes 90% percent is an A. I think the easiest part of this class is spelling and the vocabulary cards because I remember the words easily. I like the fact that you take late homework that is another opportunity to catch up in class. I agree on the fact that we have tutoring time after school and during lunch. I like the idea of doing partnering notes I find that complicated and efficient the same time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i agree with you on the tutoring. totally helpful. the partnering situation is really cool too. i would like to see improvement on trying to follow the outline. your missing a couple of things, but other than that you did great.
