Thursday, August 25, 2011

My conflict

When I was younger my grandma used to take my brothers and sisters, and I to Palomar observatory. My grandma took us late fall so I thought that it would be warm enough to wear shorts and a tank top. As we drove up the mountain it started to get colder and colder the higher we got. By the time we got to the observatory I was freezing cold. After, we got out of the car and started to play in the snow. It was the first time seen snow in my life. Eventually I forgot that I was cold and kept playing in snow. I guess I over exaggerated a bit. In the end I had a great time with my family and a nice snow day. Maybe if I’m lucky I could go back someday enjoy another one. The lesson I learned was to always be prepared.


  1. That really sucks I am sorry that happen to u but it was a good post.

  2. nice post i really like it and that sucks i would've be frozen to death halfway ha ha good post though.

  3. So, was the cold your conflict? Everyone else, "sucks" is not appropriate language. Please use other words next time.
