Thursday, January 31, 2013

Academic Language Written Assessment Week 21

Performance enhancing drugs, such as steroids should not be allowed in sports. It is a TRADITION to have a position on a sports team based off of your own physical and mental strength. This shows that, taking synthetic drugs would not reflect any of these qualities and should not be allowed to participate if using. There was a PERIOD in time when people enjoyed using their strength to complete strenuous tasks and didn't depend on a drug that does more harm than good. This shows that, by betting on this drug it would only harm you in the future. Performance enhancers are the PRIMARY results of people having health problems after using them. This shows that, the results might have immediate and life changing appearance but you will sacrifice your health in the future. In conclusion, synthetic drugs have no place in sports and players should not risk their health and reputation for fifteen minutes of testosterone boost and severe mood swings.


  1. I wish you had explained a bit more about the testosterone boost and mood swings in your paragraph. To prepare for college, it is a good idea now to begin including and citing facts from other sources.

    PS Primary means the most important or most basic.

  2. You explain your position on the matter really well and I like the pictures you used as well.
