Monday, June 18, 2012

Paragraph- Future

I genuinely believe that I will achieve all my goals and even more in the future. This past year has given me so much insight of the what the future holds. One insight is, how much you have to be determined and focused to stay on top of school work and extracurricular activities. Another thing is, balance. In my case I was juggling many activity's at once such as Basketball, Keyclub, and school. I eventually found equality between all of them and was able keep my grades in good order. Since I found these things I know that in the future to apply these skills to my college career. Another important goal for me is to become valedictorian of my class and to leave SPA with a exquisite reputation for my future achievements. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. So I will do anything in my power to make my future bright.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way but for me it is different I procrastinate ...:)
